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PRO64 is not responding


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Yes, I read the Issue Guide before posting.



PRO Username: Saltwound


Do you have active membership?: No


Your knowledge about PRO: First few gyms and played yellow and blue


What have you done before the problem was there

Played for a while til the servers restarted today


What have you already tried to solve the problem?

Run as administrator, deleted, redownloaded, tried 32, ran ccleaner, checked for direct x updates, put the game in exclusions in firewall and avast, checked for updates with my graphics card driver, different unzipping methods because the files may be corrupted? I've tried everything.


Description and Message

PRO64 is not responding if you close the program you may lose the solution.


What happens before PRO64 is not responding

This happens when I load the game up. Then the screen goes black and my mouse is doing the loading thing, if I click the screen goes white and says PRO64 is not responding like so. I've tried waiting it out when the secreen goes black or white and it still won't work.

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I'm glad to hear (read) that your problem is fixed, therefore I will lock this topic.


Enjoy the game :Smile:

[fade][glow=black]- Locked as solved - [/glow][/fade]


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Kind regards

- Nebulas

Dedicated Support Team

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