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I think I rushed, now having Sabrina Trouble!


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I'm always close to beating Sabrina, the 6th gym leader, so I know I have it.

But, now I feel maybe I've been rushing and not really learning the differences of PRO.

I know now that keeping a pokemon from evolving means faster leveling and there's a move tutor in Saffron/Cerulean for $2,000 to learn the moves an evolved pokemon can learn that the 1st

form of pokemon can't... among other stuff I've learned.

Oh! And that there's no breeding in the game so we just spam catch to find a good nature and IVs.


I barely have any Pokemon at all.

6 in my party and only a couple in my storage box. Ouch.


Is there anything else I should know to better myself in PRO?

I sort of just rushed through the game without learning the differences of PRO.

I thought that I'd do all that after I beat the E4. And really get to know PRO.

But it seems I should do this now?


Because I've lost a few number of times against Sabrina.

Where is a good training place to train pokemon for Sabrina?

Andddd I guess I ought to search high and low for good Pokemon now.

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i did a rush too at kanto with my rattata until 7th gym (training magikarp after that)

its not hard to train single pokemon as main, and i only use rattata for my starter while i put my charmander from oak at pc.

sucker punches beat all sabrina's pokemon.

the end.


and sabrina is 5th gym right?

no surf yet, i guess u need to work it out somehow. train between saffron-lavender or something.

wait 1 week for trainer reset and train 1 single pokemon would do too.


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