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Ex: Togekiss cannot learn baton pass via the move tutors. However, its pre-evolutions, Togepi and Togetic, can at lvl 41. The only way Togekiss can currently have baton pass is for the Togekiss to learn baton pass in one of it's earlier evolutionary stages and evolve into the Togekiss.


From viewing multiple threads on the same topic from the past, I have not seen a conclusion from a staff member. Yes, I understand that this skill learning is something that is consistent with the main games. However, I think allowing pokemon to be able to learn their pre-evo moves is a quality-of-life change. Frankly, I think not being able to learn pre-evo moves is utterly unnecessary.

There is a pre-evolution tutor in game for many pokemon here. At this moment, Togekiss cannot learn Baton Pass via pre-evo tutor, however you could suggest it in the Suggestion sub forum.


EDIT: The Pre-Evo Tutor is located in the Egg move house, by going behind the desk into the side room.





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