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Goldenrod City Gym Bug


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Hello all,


After trying to find a resolution within help chat I seem to have stumbled upon a bug. I finished the quest line for Goldenrod City [Radio Tower] and talked to Whitney in-order to get her to go back to her gym. Upon entering the gym I battled the numerous trainers inside, but it seems as if the Underpasses are not working. Meaning my character literally can't enter areas of "pink" unless visible stairs are present. This doesn't cause a problem when battling the trainers but it causes a game breaking bug to where I can't fight Whitney because she is exactly 1 tile away from a dialogue inside the pink. I have shown a screen shot of character trying to reach Whitney.


I tried to talk to Help Chat just to make sure i'm not being stupid and that there isn't some sort of maze as there have been in the past trainers I've faced.




Found resolution... now I can't find the delete button.


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did you go through these? https://prntscr.com/g5nf0v


After looking at a Let's Play I realized the issue... is there a way to delete my post? I apologize :(


Staff will lock this thread eventually so don't worry about it ^^

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