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hello every one i love this game i played sometime on pc but i wanted to travel to i bought my self a tablet i was trying to get it on there but i keep getting parsing error

with not only pokemon revolution but with other apk to i have tryed everything i could find on the internet and it still didnt fix anything i hope anyone could help me out

with this


name: Difnce

Model Number: DIT902101

SOC Chip: Super Doulcore A20

Android Version: 4.2.2

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Hello [mention]soldieranno[/mention],

sorry for the inconvenience. Did you try to follow the steps of this guide?

Crash issues or other issues

Win7 Guide https://tinyurl.com/crashhelp

Win10 Crash Fix https://tinyurl.com/PROwin10fix

Android Guide https://tinyurl.com/androidprofix

Mac Guide https://tinyurl.com/macprofix

Linux/GNU Guide https://tinyurl.com/prognulinux

Cannot open PRO in Mac https://tinyurl.com/ProMacFix

PRO64_93_2.exe is not responding https://tinyurl.com/PRO64Fix


Other solution for crash (follow 3 steps)

1- Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip

2- Disable anti-virus program

3- Restart computer


Mac UnZip Programs Suggestions

1-The Unarchiver





Others solution:

Updated drive and reinstall Direct X


Also, remember to delete all the past PRO clients and folders you might have in your device, including the temporary files, and even from the trashbin, before you Downloads(https://pokemonrevolution.net) the new client.

I hope i could help you out. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. :) I wish you a great day!



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Hello [mention]soldieranno[/mention],

according to the Android Guide you dont meet the Minimum-System requirements.

1.1. Minimum

OS: Android 4.4

MB allowed / app in ROM: 128 MB ( check the following app ↓↓ )

RAM: 1 Gb (+256 MB free)

CPU: 1.0 Ghz (one core w/o overclocking)

Graph: OpenGL ES 2.0

If you have still any questions, feel free to ask. :)



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