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I catched a Vigorth with good stat and nature on Trainers Valley, and i want to use him in pvp (Vigoroth only, not Slaking :Smile: )


i releazed Slakoth( his pre-evolution ), or Slaking , can learn Slack Off, but Vigoroth can't


So can we add Slack off on Pre-Evolution Move tutor for Vigoroth, or add a move Tutor ? :Angel:

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Hey [mention]GiveMeMana1[/mention],

sorry for the inconvenience and late response. Vigoroth has slack off indeed only as pre-evolution move.


Source: Bulbapedia Vigorotoh

On the other side both slakoth and Slaking can learn it as move from move-relearner.

Since this is answered, I'm going to lock it. I wish you a great week!


[glow=purple]-Locked as answered-[/glow]



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