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~StrawHats~ (Yellow Server)


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Hello there! Looking for a fun active guild!? That loves to help, where we actually take the time to help, and that has lots of cool people...

If so then listen up!




Here at StrawHats we strive to be the best!

We want to be the guild that people turn to! We wanna be what you tell your friends about!

<COLOR color="#0040FF">

<COLOR color="#00FF00">~~Here are the Members worth knowing!~~











Shop Controller:




Guild Rules:

1.Follow in game rules! We dont violate any rules of the game!

2.Respect one another in the guild, we are a family of friends!

3.Officers have the final say. Regardless.

4.No excessive trash talking in the other chats, need to set an example about the good people we are, and its just not cool!

5. No drama please. It is pokemon, not middle school!


If you have a problem with anything or anyone, just take it up with the guild ranks please. Message them in game at some point, or send them mail.




~Guild Requirements~

Must have 75+ hours of in game play time, just to weed out new spam accounts,

and troll accounts! :)

Try to remain active in chats as much as you can, make friends talk about, help others.




If anyone is interested in joining this fun active, wild family I call home. Just shoot me a message on here, comment below, or message any of the above ranks in game! And we will get you right in! :) Really hope to see some cool people joining here soon!


[glow=orange]~Thanks for looking!~[/glow]


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