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NO BULLY PLS (reforming guide)


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hello kitty princess and nerds my name is xXstarfighter69Xx here to help you reach your goals of achieving the PGness that we all love.


first alittleboutmenamsayinhehe ok so maybe u dont remember or know but i was insanely toxic and put my life on the line with my aittudes towards my fell0 playors NOT GOOD! but i decided to change my life for the better and omgosh i feel so much better now gr8 succes i even made forum thread that maybe u can look up was gr8 motivation for me to continue being a gud mate and friend!


in life is important to r3memba this

- we all play by same rules

- bully only makes u look bad!

- u got low selfesteem if u bully :( maybe u didnt get enuff attention but bully people online does not fix anything!!!!"#!"


so u might be saying "but xxstarfighter69xx, how do I reform?!"?????" that is good question ur in lucktday cuz I GOT thé answerrrr!" ok so first u gotta admit to urself that ur shit for being the way u are -(realize the issue which is u lol) then u gotta that ego and throw it in trash can, its very hard but r3member that ur very small, many people in this world, somebody will always be betta than u aite dw about it.


ok gys so now that ur reformed i hope u go out there and have a gr8 time guys i love u all so much have a gr8 day guys love u a lot thx for reading ur very nice i apreciate it thumps up like sub donate retween favorite share love u thx for doing it if u did love u eithr w4y thx so much guys love u alright sleep tite :Heart: :Heart:

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