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Hello everyone, this is a small guide about Pokemon tiers & rarities , well to begin there are 10 tiers but we use only 9 of them as the 10th is for legendaries and event pokemons .

Tiers with their names:

~Tier 1 : Abundant

~Tier 2 : Common

~Tier 3 : Uncommon

~Tier 4 : Meager

~Tier 5 : Occasional

~Tier 6 : Scarce

~Tier 7 : Sparse

~Tier 8 : Rare

~Tier 9 : Extremely Rare

~Tier 10 : Unhuntable

^ these tiers are used to usually to price check the bigger the number is the higher the price goes , but this doesn't work on shinies too , I mean to price a shiny u should take into consideration many other characteristics, such as the color and is it's a dragon/starter or not cause dragons and starters are more expensive than other shinies and also natures / abilities ( pvp useable shinies always go for more than none useable).


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Source: PROWiki

[glow=red]This guide is still under construction, if u have any feedbacks feel free to post them and thanks for reading my small guide ❤️.

Pew Pew leave me a In case u like my guide :Angel: [/glow]


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Re: Shiny mons tiers and their names.


<r><QUOTE author="TerryChin" post_id="431206" time="1503323292" user_id="1321131"><s>


<E>:kiss:</E> <br/>

wow thank for your hard work, <br/>

it will help very helpful on hunting <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E> <br/>

keep it up bro



I will do my best <EMOJI seq="2764">❤️</EMOJI></r>


Re: Shiny mons tiers and their names.


<r><QUOTE author="Chris211" post_id="431211" time="1503323449" user_id="224048"><s>


Nice guide brother <EMOJI seq="1f61b"></EMOJI>.




lol thank you lil brody</r>


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