Aymanex15 Posted August 21, 2017 Share Posted August 21, 2017 Hello everyone, this is a small guide about Pokemon tiers & rarities , well to begin there are 10 tiers but we use only 9 of them as the 10th is for legendaries and event pokemons . Tiers with their names: ~Tier 1 : Abundant ~Tier 2 : Common ~Tier 3 : Uncommon ~Tier 4 : Meager ~Tier 5 : Occasional ~Tier 6 : Scarce ~Tier 7 : Sparse ~Tier 8 : Rare ~Tier 9 : Extremely Rare ~Tier 10 : Unhuntable ^ these tiers are used to usually to price check the bigger the number is the higher the price goes , but this doesn't work on shinies too , I mean to price a shiny u should take into consideration many other characteristics, such as the color and is it's a dragon/starter or not cause dragons and starters are more expensive than other shinies and also natures / abilities ( pvp useable shinies always go for more than none useable). Reveal hidden contents 1 - Bulbasaur- EXTREMELY RARE 4 - Charmander- EXTREMELY RARE 7 - Squirtle- EXTREMELY RARE 10 - Caterpie- ABUNDANT 11 - Metapod- COMMON 12 - Butterfree- MEAGRE 13 - Weedle ABUNDANT 14 - Kakuna- COMMON 15 - Beedrill- MEAGRE 16 - Pidgey- ABUNDANT 17 - Pidgeotto- ABUNDANT 19 - Rattata- ABUNDANT 20 - Raticate- ABUNDANT 21 - Spearow- ABUNDANT 22 - Fearow- ABUNDANT 23 - Ekans- ABUNDANT 24 - Arbok- ABUNDANT 25 - Pikachu- OCCASIONAL 26 - Raichu- OCCASIONAL 27 - Sandshrew- ABUNDANT 28 - Sandslash- ABUNDANT 29 - NidoranF- ABUNDANT 30 - Nidorina- ABUNDANT 32 - NidoranM- ABUNDANT 33 - Nidorino- ABUNDANT 33 - Nidorino- COMMON 35 - Clefairy- OCCASIONAL 37 - Vulpix- UNCOMMON 39 - Jigglypuff- UNCOMMON 40 - Wigglypuff- MEAGRE 41 - Zubat- ABUNDANT 42 - Golbat- ABUNDANT 43 - Oddish- ABUNDANT 44 - Gloom- ABUNDANT 45 - Vileplume- COMMON 46 - Paras- ABUNDANT 47 - Parasect- ABUNDANT 48 - Venomat- ABUNDANT 49 - Venomoth- ABUNDANT 50 - Diglett- ABUNDANT 51 - Dugtrio- MEAGRE 52 - Meowth- ABUNDANT 53 - Persian- COMMON 54 - Psyduck- ABUNDANT 55 - Golduck- ABUNDANT 56 - Mankey- ABUNDANT 57 - Primeape- COMMON 58 - Growlithe- MEAGRE 60 - Poliwag- ABUNDANT 61 - Poliwhirl- COMMON 62 - Poliwrath- OCCASIONAL 63 - Abra- SCARCE 64 - Kadabra- MEAGRE 66 - Machop- ABUNDANT 67 - Machoke- ABUNDANT 69 - Bellsprout- ABUNDANT 70 - Weepinbell- ABUNDANT 71 - Victreebel- UNCOMMON 72 - Tentacool- ABUNDANT 73 - Tentacruel- ABUNDANT 74 - Geodude- ABUNDANT 75 - Graveler- ABUNDANT 77 - Ponyta- COMMON 78 - Rapidash- OCCASIONAL 79 - Slowpoke- ABUNDANT 80 - Slowbro- ABUNDANT 81 - Magnemite- COMMON 82 - Magneton- COMMON 83 - Farfetch'd- UNCOMMON 84 - Doduo- ABUNDANT 85 - Dodrio- ABUNDANT 86 - Seel- ABUNDANT 87 - Dewgong- COMMON 88 - Grimer- ABUNDANT 89 - Muk- UNCOMMON 90 - Shellder- SCARCE 91 - Cloyster- SCARCE 92 - Gastly- UNCOMMON 93 - Haunter- MEAGRE 95 - Onix- COMMON 96 - Drowzee- ABUNDANT 96 - Drowzee- COMMON 97 - Hypno- COMMON 98 - Krabby- ABUNDANT 99 - Kingler- COMMON 100 - Voltorb- ABUNDANT 101 - Electrode- COMMON 102 - Exeggcute- MEAGRE 104 - Cubone- SPARSE 105 - Marowak- SPARSE 108 - Lickitung- OCCASIONAL 109 - Koffing- ABUNDANT 110 - Weezing- OCCASIONAL 111 - Rhyhorn- MEAGRE 112 - Rhydon- OCCASIONAL 113 - Chansey- RARE 114 - Tangela- COMMON 115 - Kangaskhan- RARE 116 - Horsea- COMMON 117 - Seadra- UNCOMMON 118 - Goldeen- ABUNDANT 119 - Seaking- COMMON 120 - Staryu- SPARSE 122 - Mr.Mime- RARE 123 - Scyther- RARE 124 - Jynx- SPARSE 125 - Electabuzz- EXTREMELY RARE 126 - Magmar- RARE 127 - Pinsir- RARE 128 - Tauros- OCCASIONAL 129 - Magikarp- ABUNDANT 130 - Gyarados- ABUNDANT 131 - Lapras- EXTREMELY RARE 132 - Ditto- SPARSE 133 - Eevee- EXTREMELY RARE 143 - Snorlax- EXTREMELY RARE 147 - Dratini- RARE 148 - Dragonair- RARE 152 - Chikorita- EXTREMELY RARE 155 - Cyndaquil- EXTREMELY RARE 158 - Totodile- RARE 161 - Sentret- ABUNDANT 162 - Furret- COMMON 163 - Hoothoot- ABUNDANT 164 - Noctowl- ABUNDANT 165 - Ledyba- ABUNDANT 166 - Ledian- UNCOMMON 167 - Spinarak- ABUNDANT 168 - Ariados- COMMON 169 - Crobat- OCCASIONAL 170 - Chinchou- ABUNDANT 171 - Lanturn- ABUNDANT 172 - Pichu- SCARCE 173 - Cleffa- MEAGRE 174 - Igglybuff- MEAGRE 175 - Togepi- RARE 177 - Natu- ABUNDANT 179 - Mareep- COMMON 180 - Flaaffy- COMMON 181 - Ampharos- OCCASIONAL 182 - Bellossom- COMMON 183 - Marill- MEAGRE 184 - Azumarill- OCCASIONAL 185 - Sudowoodo- EXTREMELY RARE 186 - Politoed - SCARCE 187 - Hoppip - ABUNDANT 188 - Skiploom - ABUNDANT 189 - Jumpluff - COMMON 190 - Aipom - SPARSE 191 - Sunkern - ABUNDANT 193 - Yanma - MEAGRE 194 - Wooper - ABUNDANT 195 - Quagsire - ABUNDANT 197 - Umbreon - RARE 198 - Murkrow - SPARSE 200 - Misdreavus - MEAGRE 201 - Unown - ABUNDANT 202 - Wobbuffet - RARE 203 - Girafarig - COMMON 204 - Pineco - RARE 206 - Dunsparce - COMMON 207 - Gligar - SPARSE 208 - Steelix - SCARCE 209 - Snubbull - UNCOMMON 211 - Qwilfish - SCARCE 213 - Shuckle - SPARSE 214 - Heracross - SPARSE 215 - Sneasel - OCCASIONAL 216 - Teddiursa - UNCOMMON 217 - Ursaring - UNCOMMON 218 - Slugma - COMMON 219 - Magcargo - OCCASIONAL 220 - Swinub - ABUNDANT 222 - Corsola - UNCOMMON 223 - Remoraid - SPARSE 224 - Octillery - EXTREMELY RARE 225 - Delibird - ABUNDANT 226 - Mantine - SPARSE 227 - Skarmory - RARE 228 - Houndour - RARE 230 - Kingdra - OCCASIONAL 231 - Phanpy - MEAGRE 232 - Donphan - OCCASIONAL 234 - Stantler - COMMON 235 - Smeargle - SPARSE 236 - Tyrogue - OCCASIONAL 238 - Smoochum - SPARSE 240 - Magby - EXTREMELY RARE 241 - Miltank - SCARCE 246 - Larvitar - SPARSE 247 - Pupitar - EXTREMELY RARE 252 - Treecko - EXTREMELY RARE 255 - Torchic - EXTREMELY RARE 258 - Mudkip - EXTREMELY RARE 261 - Poochyena - COMMON 262 - Mightyena - SCARCE 263 - Zigzagoon - ABUNDANT 264 - Linoone - COMMON 265 - Wurmple - ABUNDANT 266 - Silcoon - MEAGRE 268 - Cascoon - MEAGRE 270 - Lotad - SPARSE 271 - Lombre - RARE 273 - Seedot - OCCASIONAL 274 - Nuzleaf - RARE 276 - Tailow - ABUNDANT 277 - Swellow - MEAGRE 278 - Wingull - UNCOMMON 279 - Pelipper - OCCASIONAL 280 - Ralts - RARE 283 - Surskit - MEAGRE 284 - Masquerain - SPARSE 285 - Shroomish - Occasional 287 - Slakoth - EXTREMELY RARE 290 - Nincada - RARE 293 - Whismur - COMMON 296 - Makuhita - COMMON 298 - Azurill - MEAGRE 299 - Nosepass - SPARSE 300 - Skitty - OCCASIONAL 302 - Sableye - EXTREMELY RARE 303 - Mawile - RARE 304 - Aron - SPARSE 307 - Meditite - RARE 309 - Electrike - SCARCE 310 - Manetric - EXTREMELY RARE 311 - Pusle - SPARSE 312 - Minun - SPARSE 313 - Volbeat - SPARSE 314 - Illumise - SPARSE 315 - Roselia - OCCASIONAL 316 - Gulpin - SCARCE 318 - Carvanha - OCCASIONAL 319 - Sharpedo - SPARSE 320 - Wailmer - COMMON 321 - Wailord - EXTREMELY RARE 322 - Numel - SCARCE 324 - Torkoal - RARE 325 - Spoink - RARE 327 - Spinda - SPARSE 328 - Trapinch - EXTREMELY RARE 331 - Cacnea - SPARSE 333 - Swablu - EXTREMELY RARE 334 - Altaria - EXTREMELY RARE 335 - Zangoose - RARE 336 - Seviper - SPARSE 337 - Lunatone - RARE 338 - Solrock - SCARCE 339 - Barboach - SCARCE 340 - Whiscash - RARE 341 - Corphish - SCARCE 342 - Crawdaunt - EXTREMELY RARE 343 - Baltoy - RARE 344 - Claydol - RARE 349 - Feebas - EXTREMELY RARE 350 - Milotic - EXTREMELY RARE 352 - Kecleon - SCARCE 353 - Shuppet - OCCASIONAL 354 - Banette - RARE 355 - Duskull - SCARCE 356 - Dusclops - EXTREMELY RARE 357 - Tropius - RARE 359 - Absol - EXTREMELY RARE 360 - Wynaut - SCARCE 361 - Snorunt - MEAGRE 363 - Spheal - MEAGRE 364 - Sealeo - SPARSE 366 - Clamperl - SPARSE 369 - Relicanth - EXTREMELY RARE 370 - Luvdisc - SPARSE 371 - Bagon - EXTREMELY RARE 374 - Beldum - EXTREMELY RARE 393 - Piplup - EXTREMELY RARE 396 - Starly - SPARSE 399 - Bidoof - MEAGRE 403 - Shinx - RARE 406 - Budew - OCCASIONAL 412 - Burmy - EXTREMELY RARE 417 - Pachirisu - EXTREMELY RARE 418 - Buizel - SPARSE 420 - Floatzel - OCCASIONAL 422 - Shellos - EXTREMELY RARE 427 - Buneary - EXTREMELY RARE 431 - Glameow - EXTREMELY RARE 433 - Chingling - SCARCE 436 - Bronzor - MEAGRE 440 - Happiny - OCCASIONAL 441 - Chatot - EXTREMELY RARE 442 - Spiritomb - EXTREMELY RARE 447 - Riolu - EXTREMELY RARE 449 - Hippopotas - EXTREMELY RARE 451 - Skorupi - EXTREMELY RARE 455 - Carnivine - EXTREMELY RARE 456 - Finneon - RARE 458 - Mantyke - RARE 504 - Patrat - COMMON 505 - Watchog - ABUNDANT 524 - Roggenrola - EXTREMELY RARE 527 - Woobat - RARE 529 - Drilbur - EXTREMELY RARE 532 - Timburr - EXTREMELY RARE 535 - Tympole - RARE 539 - Sawk - RARE 540 - Sewaddle - SPARSE 546 - Cottonee - SPARSE 551 - Sandile - EXTREMELY RARE 568 - Trubbish - EXTREMELY RARE 574 - Gothita - EXTREMELY RARE 580 - Ducklett - OCCASIONAL 582 - Vanillite - EXTREMELY RARE 585 - Deerling - UNCOMMON 592 - Frillish - EXTREMELY RARE 594 - Alomomola - EXTREMELY RARE 595 - Joltik - EXTREMELY RARE 607 - Litwick - EXTREMELY RARE 610 - Axew - EXTREMELY RARE 613 - Cubchoo - RARE 621 - Druddigon - EXTREMELY RARE 626 - Bouffalant - EXTREMELY RARE 632 - Durant - EXTREMELY RARE 633 - Deino - EXTREMELY RARE 669 - Flabébé - EXTREMELY RARE 690 - Skrelp - EXTREMELY RARE 692 - Clauncher - EXTREMELY RARE 702 - Dedenne - EXTREMELY RARE 703 - Carbink - EXTREMELY RARE 704 - Goomy - EXTREMELY RARE 707 - Klefki - EXTREMELY RARE 714 - Noibat - EXTREMELY RARE Source: PROWiki [glow=red]This guide is still under construction, if u have any feedbacks feel free to post them and thanks for reading my small guide . Pew Pew leave me a In case u like my guide :Angel: [/glow] 1 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/70756-guide-about-shiny-pokemons-tiers-and-their-names/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Terrychin Posted August 21, 2017 Share Posted August 21, 2017 Re: Shiny mons tiers and their names. <r><E>:kiss:</E> <br/> wow thank for your hard work, <br/> it will help very helpful on hunting <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E> <br/> keep it up bro</r> Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/70756-guide-about-shiny-pokemons-tiers-and-their-names/#findComment-420784 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aymanex15 Posted August 21, 2017 Author Share Posted August 21, 2017 Re: Shiny mons tiers and their names. <r><QUOTE author="TerryChin" post_id="431206" time="1503323292" user_id="1321131"><s> Quote </s> <E>:kiss:</E> <br/> wow thank for your hard work, <br/> it will help very helpful on hunting <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E> <br/> keep it up bro <e></e></QUOTE> I will do my best <EMOJI seq="2764"></EMOJI></r> Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/70756-guide-about-shiny-pokemons-tiers-and-their-names/#findComment-420785 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chris211 Posted August 21, 2017 Share Posted August 21, 2017 Re: Shiny mons tiers and their names. <r>Nice guide brother <EMOJI seq="1f61b"></EMOJI>.</r> Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/70756-guide-about-shiny-pokemons-tiers-and-their-names/#findComment-420786 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aymanex15 Posted August 21, 2017 Author Share Posted August 21, 2017 Re: Shiny mons tiers and their names. <r><QUOTE author="Chris211" post_id="431211" time="1503323449" user_id="224048"><s> Quote </s> Nice guide brother <EMOJI seq="1f61b"></EMOJI>. <e></e></QUOTE> lol thank you lil brody</r> Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/70756-guide-about-shiny-pokemons-tiers-and-their-names/#findComment-420787 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sendoakiraz Posted August 21, 2017 Share Posted August 21, 2017 Re: Shiny mons tiers and their names. <t>gg ;)</t> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdMesfNYVZA4pQzVGIrbWow Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/70756-guide-about-shiny-pokemons-tiers-and-their-names/#findComment-420788 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aymanex15 Posted August 21, 2017 Author Share Posted August 21, 2017 Re: Shiny mons tiers and their names. <r><QUOTE author="SendoAkiraZ" post_id="431215" time="1503323874" user_id="1453749"><s> Quote </s>gg ;)<e></e></QUOTE> <E>:Smile:</E> <E>:thanks:</E></r> Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/70756-guide-about-shiny-pokemons-tiers-and-their-names/#findComment-420789 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aymanex15 Posted August 21, 2017 Author Share Posted August 21, 2017 Re: Shiny mons tiers and their names. <t>Made some modifications, also don't forget to leave me ur suggestion, I will be adding a small guide about price checking shinies.</t> Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/70756-guide-about-shiny-pokemons-tiers-and-their-names/#findComment-420790 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fouinylourson Posted August 21, 2017 Share Posted August 21, 2017 Good job Aymane, keep going ! Gonna be usefull <3 ty Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/70756-guide-about-shiny-pokemons-tiers-and-their-names/#findComment-420791 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lepolak692 Posted August 21, 2017 Share Posted August 21, 2017 Nice guide bro ! Very usefull :p [glow=red]Shiny dragons collection[/glow] Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/70756-guide-about-shiny-pokemons-tiers-and-their-names/#findComment-420792 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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