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Lag ate my TM!


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I was trying to teach my nidorino TM28, Dig, in Mt.Moon but when the game prompted me to choose a pokemon to learn dig, I tapped Nidorino and nothing happened. I restarted the game after the same thing happened three more times and when I looked at my TM tab, Dig was gone. Is there another way I can get a second TM 28? I just beat Misty and I need to rely on it for the 3rd gym.

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Hi there Pwntoy


I'm sorry to hear about your inconvenience.


Have you checked if your Nidorino has Dig in its moveset?

If not then you can buy a new TM at Celadon Mart for $3,500, since your probably got the free one at Cerulean City.


I hope this solves your problem.


Kind regards


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