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The Hannah NPC that is the last trainer you need to beat in the Sinnoh gave me a bug because of a specific battle situation. I had a electavire on one health because of focus sash which was my plan to beat the mega sharpedo. I killed it with wild charge. It died then after i died to rough skin. The chat said I won the battle and "You earned 0 Pokedollers for winning". Then after the battle the npc said I wasn't ready etc. Basically saying I lost the battle even though I won. Normally I would't care but I spent a lot of money on hyper potions revives and a focus sash which isn't easy for me to get back since I'm not very good at pvp. Plus Mega sharpedo isn't even supposed to have rough skin to begin with. I'm just really frustrated with this battle . I was able to beat her with a different strategy later but still a bug regardless.

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