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Atm STALL-Teams are winning like almost 80%+ of all games.


Stall and offense are good in the Pro meta tbh.

Don't forget that unaware is not code so offense team in Pro are more powerfull than in the real game/showdown tbh.


I don't think its a move like sub who will break the meta, but for sure that will be cool if he can be code.


I think there is lot of stall team because its more easy to play stall, and its harder to play/win with a offensive team.


And imo its the miss of the team preview who give a advantage to stall team. If u play a offense team, u need to know witch poke will be your win-condition, and without team preview u can't know.

And without team preview, offense vs offense are totaly a 50/50, u can let die your win condition without know the rest of the opponent team, and u will lose. That's why stall is "better" and more "sure". There is long battle with stall team, u can take the time to know the opponent team.


If team preview is implanted, that will be a meta breaker. Sub will not.

If u are fed up about stall, ask for team preview and build a good team. And pray about the fact that unaware will never be code.

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Atm STALL-Teams are winning like almost 80%+ of all games.


Stall and offense are good in the Pro meta tbh.

Don't forget that unaware is not code so offense team in Pro are more powerfull than in the real game/showdown tbh.


I don't think its a move like sub who will break the meta, but for sure that will be cool if he can be code.


I think there is lot of stall team because its more easy to play stall, and its harder to play/win with a offensive team.


And imo its the miss of the team preview who give a advantage to stall team. If u play a offense team, u need to know witch poke will be your win-condition, and without team preview u can't know.

And without team preview, offense vs offense are totaly a 50/50, u can let die your win condition without know the rest of the opponent team, and u will lose. That's why stall is "better" and more "sure". There is long battle with stall team, u can take the time to know the opponent team.


If team preview is implanted, that will be a meta breaker. Sub will not.

If u are fed up about stall, ask for team preview and build a good team. And pray about the fact that unaware will never be code.

+1 Team preview :Heart:

Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion



Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver


My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9

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Even tho i support it ( you forgot to mention Encore which pair well with sub :D )

I doubt its codable on PRO, I read a while ago that move who arent codded isnt by choice but simply because they cant code it .

Substitute , encore destiny bond etc are apart of that category.

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dude, the stardard team of ranked is:


blissey + tangrowth or slowbro + donphan + TALONFLAME + 2 pokemons.


Sometimes we can find teams like:


blissey + slowbro + tangrowth + donphan + ferrothorn + bulk scizor...


we need substitute

we need pursuit


at least we have the choice itens and life orb...

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and what if stall teams use substitute too?? this isnt the solution for removing full stall team, people can still use blissey + slowbro + tangrowth + donphan + ferrothorn + bulk scizor with substitute, or even use substitute on their tanks, i think best thing to do is to keep coding offensive abilities like moldbreaker or moves like pursuit etc, there is already many ways to counter full stall teams, u just want an easy way to sweep in pvp, but the fact is pvp isnt easy, even with substitue u can be countered by infiltrators, and i just think whatever u change people will always stall on pro

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