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Beating Hannah ?


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I've a jolly gyarados lvl 100 full atk/spe ev with good IV, and it get rekt :Shocked:

It get one shoot by machamp and two-shoot by other Hannah's pokemon


So i just cant stack draco-dance, because my pokemon get rekt in 2 hits ( or one )


Same for my lvl 100 gengar and my magnezone, it get rekt :'(


What should I do ? I dont have a lot of money.

Thx :Angel:


PS : In fact I used sturdy thunder-wave on houdoom, then i succefully used draco-dance 4 times on gyarados. And it still cant one-shoot M. Metagross.... :Frown:

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Hi there [mention]Rosariel[/mention]


Hannah can indeed be a tough obstacle if you are trying to make your way to Sinnoh. I recommend trying some of the strategies from these guides and discussions to beat her: Hannah tips?, Let's beat Hannah, How to go to Sinnoh Video Guide, and Beat Hannah with level 25 pokemon. Do note that some changes were made to the Hannah boss since a few of these guides/discussions were made, but you may find some of the other strategies and methods useful :)


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