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You dont see the point because you refuse to see it I believe.

The main reason is the MMO aspect, like thor and I said .

Since its a MMO, they are forced to make the things obtainable by playing ( how ever by farming/walking/battling ) or anything that requiert a time invest in order to have the item in return.


So , now we etablished that, and you understood it , you have to make a suggestion while keeping that aspect of the game in mind.

If your point is to go against the MMO aspect, so you are all wrong, and its what you're currently doing by suggesting to remove the MMO aspect from thoses items ( you didnt expressivly said that, but your suggestion being means that ).


So, maybe try to think at another way to improve the PvP items but in any circumstances you need to keep in mind that its a MMO, and even if you dont like the MMO part in the game, you are still forced to deal with it when you make your suggestions.

A suggestion need to be in agreement with the game aspect, else its a bad suggestion.

I hope you got it right ^^


Now concerning that part where you says that " i have to use my only focus sash that i have and hopefully i win so i ca get another".


You miss a crucial information here, which is the way to obtain the sashs ! You indeed can buy it from other players in exchange of a bit of pokedollars or even get it all free by battling the bosses.

On 3 regions / 15 bosses average , you've a huge chance to be reward'd by one of them by a couple of focus sash.


So that situation you mentionned will never happens because there are two other ways to find thoses sashs in the game.


Also, if you start pvp for your first time , and you're lacking of pvp items etc, try to use for lets say your first 5-10 wins a team full of pokes who can be played wit item such as berries / left overs or anything else that doesnt force you to use your few PvP Coins.

That way youll do 5-10 wins = 5-10 sash .


So that + potential reward from boss + buy on trade chat = you'll never ever meet the scenario you mentionned above, neither you, neither someone poorest than you.

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