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I want to buy a Epic Implish Hippopotas and bold Feebas. The requirements as following:


NAME: Hippopotas

NATURE: Implish or Careful

ATK: 25+

DEF: 25+

SPD: 10+

SPATK: dont care

SPDEF: 20+

HP: 20+


NANE: Feebas (Male is better)

NATURE: Bold or Modest

ATK: dont care

DEF: 20+

SPD: 20+

SPATK: 20+


HP: 20+



Please leave your message or contact me in game.


Thank you!

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Re: WTB Epic Implish Hippopotas, Offer More than 3M!


<t>Finding a hippo like that is going to be a long shot, I do believe that my Impish Hippo is the best ingame currently: <br/>


Impish: lvl 100: evd<br/>

Atk: 29<br/>

Def: 31(max)<br/>

Spatk: 14<br/>

Spdef: 23<br/>

Spd: 8<br/>

Hp: 6<br/>


moves: Ice Fang, Crunch, Earthquake, Fire Fang<br/>


meets a lot of your requirements, and surpasses the atk and def: Of course i wouldnt expect 3m for it because of hp but if you want to throw me a decent offer maybe we can make a deal. i do use it in my battle team atm cause its such a tank. I havent seen a better one yet.</t>

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.


Re: WTB Epic Implish Hippopotas, Offer More than 3M!


<r><QUOTE author="Knuckles"><s>

  Knuckles said:
</s><POST content="58140"><s></s>58140<e></e></POST> Finding a hippo like that is going to be a long shot, I do believe that my Impish Hippo is the best ingame currently: <br/>


Impish: lvl 100: evd<br/>

Atk: 29<br/>

Def: 31(max)<br/>

Spatk: 14<br/>

Spdef: 23<br/>

Spd: 8<br/>

Hp: 6<br/>


moves: Ice Fang, Crunch, Earthquake, Fire Fang<br/>


meets a lot of your requirements, and surpasses the atk and def: Of course i wouldnt expect 3m for it because of hp but if you want to throw me a decent offer maybe we can make a deal. i do use it in my battle team atm cause its such a tank. I havent seen a better one yet.<e>


Thank you for your reply. But the HP is too low, I am not intereted.</r>

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