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PRO on Debian Jessie (Linux)


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Hi guys.


As stated above I'm using a Debian Jessie - just because i was too lazy to upgrade to stretch yet.

I started to play PRO some weeks ago on my home PC which is a Windows 10 rig and got no problems at all.

After getting bored on work is also installed PRO on my linux notebook with the result that PRO froze the second it started.

After some research I found out about that fullscreen mode is the issue and resolved it. Now I have 2 other issues i stumble across quite often but only on my linux client. As I'm not the only one with at least one of this problem I wanted to ask you guys for help. M<aybe someone foudn a solution as to what this problem is about and maybe got a solution as well. I used the search function and didnt find solutions for these 2 problems hence my thread.


After some random time PRO freezes my whole laptop and it has to be hard rebooted . I dont think that RAM is the issue at least not with 16GB of it. Also wouldnt the OOM-Killer strike at that ?


The second problem is that sometimes after switching maps I'm unable to move. Like.... at all. Even restarting the game doesn't help everytime. Sometimes it takes 3 -4 client restarts to fix it.


Did any of you guys either come across one of these problems too ? Did you somehow fix them ? How did you fix them ?





I am the Spirit that denies!

And rightly too; for all that doth begin

Should rightly to destruction run;

'Twere better then that nothing were begun.

Thus everything that you call Sin,

Destruction - in a word, as Evil represent-

That is my own, real element.

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