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Re: Pikachu


<r><QUOTE author="KotsiosLalos" post_id="442663" time="1505478068" user_id="1814529"><s>


Guys nothing....no one move relearner has thunder....and i am in kanto...how i can find thunder?



<QUOTE author="Neroli" post_id="442648" time="1505474388" user_id="1680020"><s>


Also, you can use TM25 <COLOR color="gold"><s></s><B><s></s>Thunder<e></e></B><e></e></COLOR> findable at <I><s></s>Goldenrod Mart - $5,500 / Lilycove Department Store 3F - $5,000 / Lt. Surge Boss Battle Reward<e></e></I>



I thought your issue was solved <E>:Shocked:</E> <br/>


You can still buy the TM through in game Trade channel since its not available in Kanto.</r>

Re: Pikachu


<r><QUOTE author="KotsiosLalos" post_id="442676" time="1505479950" user_id="1814529"><s>


Guys i can find tm thunder anywhere.....my pikachu is 90 lvl and hasnt learn thunder and the tm relearers cant learn thunder....And Lt Surge never gave me thunder...what is going on i cant find thunder in kanto....



Please don't create any new topic on each answer, reply to this one by using the quick reply feature that I'm showing on my screenshot just below.<br/>

<IMG src="https://puu.sh/xAjFq/6e899001fe.png"><s></e></IMG><br/>







Coud you make a screenshot of the NPC Relearner list when you're trying to relearn Thunder to your Pikachu ? Same screen as I showed you on the first page of the thread.<br/>

Also, could you add a screen of your Pikachu ?<br/>

Follow <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=81290#p81290"><s></s>this guide<e></e></URL> if you need to know how to add screenshot to your forum post.</r>

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