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[Shiny Hunters] SH Topic.


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Hello guys ! :Grin:

(First, sorry if that topic already exists, I searched and find nothing about it.)


I'm creating that post to talk about shinies, and mostly about Shiny Hunters.


I think you all already know what are the shinies, in last games the probability is 1/4096 but this is still the old 1/8192 probability in PRO.


> What are the "Shiny Hunters" ? :

Shiny Hunters are the people who can spend their whole week in farming a spot, fishing for a month or explorating cave just to find these famous "Shiny Pokémon".


> Why this topic ?

This topic is to talk about the shinies your find, or you are trying to find. Talking about your spots or asking which one is better to find the Pokémon you want to be shiny.

More over, I would like to know if a "Shiny Hunters" guild already exist, with determinated people like me to shiny hunting for whole days. That would be great to share that passion in a chat channel, or looking for shinies in the same spot. :Smile:

Tell me there if you are interested in that project.


Good shiny luck !


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