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A few innovative ideas!


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Hello,i have a few ideas


- For mega evos: you can have one mega ( for now) of your choice[ should be your OT] after completing a particular quest which can only be used in unranked battles.

(Megas won't be tradable)


-for trading legendaries/megas :you guys can keep one particular day in 3 months or so when you can trade them(only once) then wait for the next day to come for your next trade.


-A new different story: y dont we create a place/island where you can find creatures/beasts never seen before and those beasts we will be createe by our own.

• a story line will be there

• you can't use those beasts in other poke regions (for now) but only that special region.[to not mess wid original game while having something new]

•for beginning the story u can only take one poke from your pc,and others will get locked [still being processed on]

•beasts [rookie/base form] will have stats higher than normal pokes(fully evolved or in mid stage) and lesser than legendaries, [mature form ]

Near or higher than legendaries.


If the coucil like the ideas,we could start working on them^^

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