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<GLOW glow="brownblue"><COLOR color="#ffcb05">Welcome to The Dex Entry Day Care Sponsered by

Rare Hunters Guild[/glow]<i></i>



Join for more privilages and feel free to enter The DayCare and The Shop

because new stuff will come up everyday ..

:Light: The Dex Entry Pokémon Day Care Center is a facility where Trainers can leave their Pokémon to let it gain Experience Points and Effort Values depending on demands.

This can be an easy way to raise Pokémon and breed for Busy Players.

Leader >> Knuckles and Co-leader >>Boubye


[glow=red]Prices, Instructions, and Tips :[/glow] :Light:


[glow=black]1. Leveling:

05 - 100 = 100k

30 - 100 = 90k

50 - 100 = 70k

70 - 100 = 60k

90 - 100 = 45k


2. Effort Values:

each 252 = 25k.


3. Time Management is required Full Day-care takes 24 -hours.


4. Rare Hunter's members help day caring too for more services PM in- game or here.


5. Pokémon's will stay at day care forever until the player collects it.


6. We accept payments after day care. (We trust players but we also take screenshots just in case).


7. Request for Pokémon Day Care", (please include IGN, Levels, EVs).


8. [highlight=#888888]We dont day care Evolved Pokes[/highlight].[/glow]

[glow=#395da9]Done Day Caring[/glow]

8 Pokémon's Done30/10/2015

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58734 IGN : Firefly


Pokemon : Eevee

Current Lv : 15

Wish Lv : 100

Evolve : No

Ev Training : Spd 252

pm and meet in game 1st discount in Day Care (2 to go).

58741 IGN : Vreinzel


Pokemon : Eevee

Current Lv : 25

Wish Lv : -

Evolve : No

Ev Training : Spd 252 spatk 252


IGN : Vreinzel


Pokemon : Seadra

Current Lv : 39

Wish Lv :

Evolve : No

Ev Training : Spatk 252 106 hp

meet in game you are the Second to gain the discound ( 1 to go ).


59107 Pokemon: Gastly

Level: 12

Wish Level: none

Evolve: no

Ev Training: 252 spd 252spatk


Pokemon: Umbreon

Level: 25

Wish Level: none

Evolve: no

Ev Training: 252def 252spdef


IGN: Jacf0029

Congrats you got the third discount. Meet in game,


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