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Halloween suggestion


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Hi, i make this post to that all the players give their suggerence about what would like to be added to the halloween event.


I suggest to add :


~ a clown (how the movie IT, or a killer clown )


A npc clown that says:

Before battle :Let go to play,

The team :

Sableye, mr mime, gengar, bannete, cofragigus, darkray

After battle : do not you fear me ?? You should have fear, jajajaja



~A npc similar to the ghost rider that says :

Before battle : Your time have finished .

The team :

Zoroark, dusknoir, houndoom, umbreon, absol, krokorok

After battle : it looks that my time was finished



~A npc similar to dracula that says :

Before battle : i am going to suck your blood

The team :

Zubat, woobat, golbat, swobat, crobat,

Aftet battle : i need blood.


~The headless horseman :

Before the battle : ...

The team :

Rapidash, stantler, zebritzka, gogoat, mamoswine

After batle : ...



~A npc ghost :

Before battle : booooo

The team :

Spiritomb, gengar, mismagius, banette, dusclops

After batlee : boooo

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~The headless horseman :

Before the battle : ...

The team :

Rapidash, stantler, zebritzka, gogoat, mamoswine

After batle : ...


This really tickled me :Smile: nice creativity, I'm afraid we don't have time for the extra NPCs but your ideas are always welcome

(especially if they make other people laugh, i really hope that was intentional!)


Enjoy the next few updates! I can't wait for you all to see what we have created :Crazy:



[glow=green]Add me on Discord - Manda#7841 to discuss your spriting techniques!

I'm genuinely interested in what you have to show. [/glow]


[glow=red]Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated

Have you ever seen a mad Goomy before?

Me neither.[/glow]

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