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Error en ruta 127


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I need to report an error on route 127, I submerge and the screen is placed in pink,I can not advance in my game because I can not continue in my game in hoen, I would like to help me in that, I seek to busear and submerge and place the pink screen


necesito reportar un error en la ruta 127, me sumergo y se me coloca la pantalla en color rosa,No pueso avanzar en mi juego porque no puedo proseguirn en mi juego en hoen, me gustaria que me ayuden en eso, busco busear y se sumerge y se coloca la pantalla rosa


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Hi there [mention]Luzver[/mention]


Restarting your computer should fix the pink screen problem. If that doesn't work, you can try to update your graphical drivers.


Let me know if the problem is solved.


Kind regards


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