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Hello! I'm new here and wanna ask sth maybe stupid with u guys xD

Ahm... I saw lots of map in this forum and the PRO's map ig so i just wondering how could i make 2 titles into 1 ( ? - my English isn't good enough for me to explain xd ), like we have a grass title and water one then i want to make... A grass under the water :D: :D: How to do that in Tiled ?

Ty for reading and i hope s.o could help me with this, cuz i'm new and in my country, they don't teach about Tiled or sth :Nervous:

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You don't make sense at all..... Explain what " 2 Titles into 1 " means


He/She most likely meant "tile", but misread it or mistyped it, whatever; his/her question being "how to fuse two tiles in one ?" (a tile being a thin rectangular slab)


Like, instead of plain opaque water, do a clear one, and instead of creating a model just for that, asked how to put a grass tile first, then put a translucid water one over it, so that you'd see the grass but underwater ^^




Sorry though, RoyalFox, I have no idea on how to use a mapping tool as I never even tried x)

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