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A Feedback from a new player


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I liked the time I played, and I will give my feedback.

(Remember it's just my opinion)


1. Allow us to choose the distance in battle.

In my opinion, when i battle, i feel so far away from my enemy, so allowing to change the distance would be great because it would give more options to those who prefer it closer or keep as it is at the moment.


2. Add animations to pokemons, so physical attacks feel more impactful, of course with a opition to disable it for bad computers. (This is just a change that would give more life to the battle in my opinion)


3. Zoom in and zoom out.

Maybe it's just me but the map feel awkward because of being close I feel that everything is very large (mainly the grass)


4. Improve the HUD and add some sound effects.

Adding sound effects when choosing some option (in battle) in the menu (Fight, Pokemon, Items and run), would make me less confused sometimes (yeah sometimes i get lost).

When our pokemon dies, open automactly our pokemon list (small change that would improve the game).

Add Sections on the bag (Potions, pokeballs, berrys, etc.).

And make our pokemon health bar more noticable (in terms of color, size and design) and it would be cool flashing when low with a sound effect.


Thanks for reading and leave your opinion on the suggestions.

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