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Hello and greetings to all my Pokemon Red server players. My name is DannyMj1 but most of you who have been around for a while know me as Mj. I have been away for quite some time. I havent played the game for atleast 6 months or maybe more because of school but now that i have to chance to sign back in i have alot of questions. As you can tell from my player card, im a pro veteran.


-I understand that kanto is not the only region any more. Theres Hoeen on the map now! how do i get there? im completely done with kanto campaign.


-Guilds have been introduced? and red is not the only server any more? (tb to all the times red was full and couldent play.) How do i join a strong guild? could some one just give me the gist of whats been going on since ive been gone?


-People are offering up sinnoh pokemon which is amazing! is the sinnoh region accesabe as well? or is that just in a patch of grass?


-sounds silly but, where do i find lucario and metagross?


can any one just help a pro player out in understanding all the changes the game went through and what i should do to get back on my feet? i lost my membership as well :(


Any help is appreciated guys! thanks so much!

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Regions up to sinnoh have been released: Kanto, johto, hoenn and sinnnoh.

Welcome back, hope you enjoy it as much as i have been enjoying it :)



The name's Lunar, if you want to talk about anything, feel free to PM me.


<COLOR color="#4080BF">Pokemon forever <3


Hello Dannymj1 and welcome back to PRO !

Many things have changed in 6 months and if you want to stay aware of the last update, take a look to this topic first : Download & Update Logs.

-I understand that kanto is not the only region any more. Theres Hoeen on the map now! how do i get there? im completely done with kanto campaign.

In order to be able to go to Hoenn you have to complete Johto first. Afterwards you have to catch a Rattata, lvl it up to 80, and beat Youngster Joey in Indigo Plateau. You earn access to Hoenn region.

More information here : Hoenn Start ! (How to go to Hoenn)


-Guilds have been introduced? and red is not the only server any more? (tb to all the times red was full and couldent play.) How do i join a strong guild? could some one just give me the gist of whats been going on since ive been gone?

Guild system has been introduced in PRO for a while, on the three servers !

If you just want to join a guild, feel free to take a look to our dedicated forum section : Guild

If you wish to create a guild, you need to meet some requirement but here's a topic who could interest you : Creating & Managing a guild


-People are offering up sinnoh pokemon which is amazing! is the sinnoh region accesabe as well? or is that just in a patch of grass?

Sinnoh region is also accessible now ! There's a quest to complete before entering in the region, you will be asked to show some OT Pokemon to a certain NPC's, and beat them.

More information here : Sinnoh Quest


-sounds silly but, where do i find lucario and metagross?





Of course there is some other way to find them, but I let you search by your own !


That's being said, I wish you a nice day and a good game :Sing:




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