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Hi everyone i just moved to hoenn and i'm having a weird problem. Since i received a pretty good treecko I immediately started to train his speed Ev in route 102 and i soon noticed that speed was not increasing by one every 4 EV.

I even tried to use a tomato berry to reduce his EV and speed stats did not decrease. All my other pokemon have the same problems. Can anyone help me?

(Sorry for bad english)

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Can you show a screenshot of your Pokemon as well as a before/ after style image for EV progression?

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Iirc ev's scale per level a poke has so for example if its lvl 100 and you put 252 in a stat it increases by 63 points. At lvl 50 however it onlyincreases for half that amount -> 31/32 points. So if your treeko is low level this is probably the reason the stat didnt increase

the final number of the stat is not simply +1 for every 4 ev, it's only fit for 100lv

I can't find the formula in english wiki (bulbapedia), but in the japanese wiki



in english, ev level is within 0-63, ev level = int((√(ev-1)+1)/4)

"ev level" is the one which actually adding into stat, ev does not

thats why ev in low level poke doesn't affect like in 100lv poke

Ok thanks so basically i'm just an idiot


Everyone has to learn it at some point, don't say that :3


Thank you [mention]Djang08[/mention] and [mention]hahahaka[/mention] for your answers!


I wish you all a good day :Angel:




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