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Hi everybody! What happened with the servers? :(


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Hello there, and foremost, I'm sorry for the inconvenience!


The issues are still being looked into, but it will be fixed eventually :Angel:

I can only ask you to remain patient in the meanwhile :3

Once again, we're sorry for the inconvenience


Have a great day!

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I dont know man its boring and onlty yellow server are up now y only blue srever has to suffer

Help help help :Frown: :Frown:


Hello Divyasimha & Famouszuker

I'm sorry for this inconvenience but Red and Blue server are currently down due to technical issue. There is no ETA on when they will be back up. Please be patient !

If you want to follow the servers status, feel free to check this link or join us on the Official PRO Discord, you'll be keep updated when a maintenance/crash occurs.


Also, as reminder of our forum rules :

Forum rules

[glow=red]1. Do not ask about server status. The topic will be locked instantly.[/glow]

2. Do not post anything ban related here.

3. Before you post please read this Issue Guide.

4. Restoring deleted Pokemon is a one time opportunity; think twice before posting a request to restore it

Again sorry for this.


I wish you a nice day :Sing:



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