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Paid 5 Dollar via Paypal did not receive coins


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Hi there [mention]Phryx[/mention]


If you still haven't received your coins, you can make a topic in The Donation And Coins Issues Forum

Don't forget to read the rules before posting a topic there:

Forum rules

1. This section is not about asking what would you get by donating and what not.

2. You are to post here if you experienced any issue after you donated to us.

3. Please provide us with much info you can; Such as RECEIPT with a transaction ID and so on. New Users can upload an attachment.

4. Please wait 24h for the transaction to happen. There can be delays that aren't our fault.


Kind regards.



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Rules - Terms and Conditions - Punishment Policy - Chat Rules


DO NOT contact Staff Members for private support.

Share your questions on the Forums as they can be of use to others.

Unsolicited messages will be thrown into the abyss. Thanks!

Kind regards

- Nebulas

Dedicated Support Team

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