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hello, i know this may sound stupid but what can we buy with real money? can someone give me like a screenshot on how it will look like? :thanks:

Discord:[fade] [glow=red]Master_Ali#8145[/glow]


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hello, i know this may sound stupid but what can we buy with real money? can someone give me like a screenshot on how it will look like? :thanks:


Hello MasterAli!


You can buy a lot of things from the Coin Shop, Here you will find some of the mounts and clothes of the Coin shop, You can also buy:


Coin Capsule: 100c Capsule that you can use for trades


Black Medallion - Boost Chance rate to find Hidden Abilities by 20% for 72 hours.


Exp Boost: Gives you 25% more Exp


Axe tool: You can use Cut without a pokemon! (You need to complete SS ANNE Quest to use it)


Pickaxe: You can use Rock smash without a pokemon!





Everything in the Coin Shop is Tradeable and you can buy it from other players!


I hope this mini-guide helps you, Have a nice day!





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