Phizika Posted October 20, 2017 Share Posted October 20, 2017 Info: I ordered it by regions, for example I might have elekid from both Kanto and Hoenn region, you can buy what ever you want. Kanto Bulba x1 - 10k Chimchar x1 - 15k Bonsly x1 - 10k Fennekin x1 - 10k Munchlax x2 - 10k Pawniard x1 - 10k Bagon x1 - 12k Leafeon x1 - 10k Charmander x1 - 10k Hitmontop x1 - 10k Wynuat x2 - 10k Larvesta x5 - 10k Timburr x1 - 10k Goomy x5 - 12k Pansage x2 - 50k Panpour x1 - 50k Purrloin x1 - 70k Riolu x1 - 10k Deino x1 - 15k Lileep x1 - 15k Beldum x4 - 30k Minccino x2 - 20k Foongus x1 - 10k Mienfoo x2 - 10k Porygon x5 - 7k Hydreigon (level 65) - 12k Igglybuff x1 - 10k Inkay x1 - 10k Sudowoodo x1 - 10k Mr.mime x1 - 10k Elekid x2 - 12k Ferroseed x1 - 10k Armaldo x1 - 12k Aerodactyl x1 - 10k Pancham x1 - 10k Liepard x1 - 20k Kangaskahan x1 - 12k Squirtle x2 - 10k Klefki x1 - 10k Johto Feebss x1 - 10k Woobat x1 - 10k Glaceon x1 - 10k Meditite x1 - 10k Froakie x3 - 10k Snivy x3 - dunno, offer if i like i might sell :O Porygon x2 - 7k Scraggy x3 - 10k Axew x2 - 20k Toxicroak x1 - 10k Shellder x1 - 10k Hawlucha x1 - 10k Swablu x3 - 12k Snorunt x2 - 10k Dratini x2 - 10k Larvitar x1 - 10k Hoenn Bergmite x1 - 15k Gorebyss x1 - 10k Sabelye x1 - 10k Mawile x1 - 10k Klinklang x1 - 10k Gastrodon x1 - 10k Vespiquen x1 - 10k Tranpinch x1 - 12k Nincada x2 - 10k Timburr x2 - 10k Elekid x2 - 12k Torchic x3 - 10k Noibat x2 - 10k Rotom x2 - dunno can sell for dex only 2k. (return back) Tympole x1 - 15k Clauncher x1 - 10k Gourgeist x1 - 10k Beldum x2 - 30k Vanilluxe (level 51) - 10k Aron x4 - 10k Electrike x1 - 7k Treecko x1 - 10k Porygon x2 - 7k Munchlax x1 - 10k Gigalith x1 - 10k Honedge x1 - 40k Stunfisk x1 - 10k Goomy x1 - 12k Finneon x1 - 10k Mudkip x1 - 10k Sinnoh Piplup x2 - 10k Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kingbaaz Posted October 20, 2017 Share Posted October 20, 2017 I want dex service Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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