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Hice pasarse un amigo al servidor rojo, en el cual estaba yo. Al dia siguiente me da por fijarme en el Server y para mi sorpresa estoy en el Azul, con mismos pokemon y la historia por donde la deje, como es posible? Nose si será algun tipo de error, pero quisiera que me movieseis de nuevo donde empecé y donde tengo a mi amigo, al PRO Red Server, gracias.


I made a friend to the red server, in which I was. The next day I notice the Server and to my surprise I'm in the Blue, with the same pokemon and the story where I leave it, how is it possible? I do not know if it will be some kind of mistake, but I want you to move me back where I started and where I have my friend, to the PRO Red Server, thank you

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Hola SrEko!


Siento oír que esto te haya ocurrido pero no podemos hacer cambios de cuentas en servidores, Posiblemente te has equivocado todo este tiempo y creíste que estas jugando en el servidor rojo pero en realidad estabas en el servidor Azul, Nosotros no Transferimos las cuentas de los jugadores a otros servidores!, Que tengas un buen día!

You are entitled to create another account as the rules state you can have only 2 per e-mail address (You are permitted to have 2 accounts per email address and up to 4 per person) or play in other servers as per server have different save. Staff will not disable, Transfer, delete, or reset your account without specific reason.




I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you but we can not make account changes on servers, You've probably been mistaken all this time and you thought you were playing on the red server but you were actually on the Blue server, We do not Transfer player accounts to other servers!, Have a nice day!





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