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My wish list


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Togepi: NATURE: Timid. 28+ spd and 28+ spatk. Ability: serene grace.

Kabuto: Nature ada. everything above 20+except spatk. Ability :Swift Swim.

Lotad: Nature modest. spd, spatk, hp 25+ everything else 20+ except atk. Ability :Swift Swim.

Klefki: Nautre careful. Def, Spdef, Hp 25+ everything else don't care. Ability prankster.

Snorlax careulf everything 20+. Ability thick fat.

Pawniard ada. atk spd hp 25+ everything else except spatk 20+. Ability defiant.

slowpoke bold h.a except atk and spd everything should be 25+.

ferroseed relaxed Iron barb everything should be 25+ except spd.

magnemite timid magnet pull except atk all 25+ h.p fire.

IGN: lolurface. Discord @I AM JAZZ#5871

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