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Hey guys :Grin:


As the story line requests many run from towns to towns, I suggest PRO staffs make the Bike/free mount easier to get.


I have some experienced playing pokemon before, still I feel kinda frustrating walking soo slowly, not to mention people who haven't gone through the original game (they're more likely to get lost).

In addition, once forgot to bring a pokemon with Cut and your team is full, you have to travel all the way back the PC to take it, WALKING. Same goes for Flash or Surf. It's kinda a nightmare and makes the new players feel worn off.


Thus the biggest desire of Newbie in PRO is probably get a bike as soon as possible.


But 60k is a big amount of money for fresh-start players. I have obtained the 6th badge so far still only 30k in my pocket. Plus catching a freaking useless tier 9 pokemon is deterrent. What is the point of hunting it without Imposter coded ?


Some of my friends at first showed strong enthusiasm to this game - they said it's a great community, but so far got mad and quit.


Above is my suggestion for a small change to make PRO better. Please consider it from a Staff's - and a Newbie's perspective



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  • 2 weeks later...

I do think some changes to the bike quest are needed. I actually had a similar case to your friends--I started to play PRO on June 16, 2016 but ultimately got frustrated with the Ditto quest (and I had just started a college summer course) so I quit for awhile. I know a few people have gone without doing the bike quest early as they felt it was a bad money sink. Anytime a "WTB Ditto" turns up in Trade Chat (and it does about 4x a week anytime I'm on) it's because a new player either sped through dialogue or doesn't speak English well, and doesn't know the Ditto needs to be OT. This might lead to a quick scam and probably deter the new player from the game completely. I had to grind about 3 hours my Ditto and if I wasn't playing this game alongside someone else, I might've just lost interest. Since PRO is a MMO, parts of it should be grindy, but I feel that the grindiness of it should be set for "end-game" (which in PRO would be hunting for the best PvP Pokemon, filling up the entire PokeDex, and legendaries). I think either the Pokemon required should be changed, or alternatively the Ditto should be more readily available to a new player, either by being able to trade a more common Pokemon to an NPC (for a Ditto in return), by dropping the OT requirement, or by decreasing it's spawn rarity.

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