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Hello PRO Community, I am here through this post to draw some doubts about the rumor of a possible union of server red and yellow.


At first, I did not even know this could happen. I stayed knowing today through some players who were commenting on this in the chat "Brazil" (Yellow Server).



1. I do not think it's a bad idea, because I see that the yellow server is far below the other 2 servers compared to the number of players. But can we transfer our Pokémon (including legendary and shiny), items, money, legendary that we got on the Yellow Server?


Obs: Many players were threatening to stop playing because they said that the legendaries Pokémon can not be transferred and the hours will reset. If this is true, I will also be against the union of the servers union because part of our effort would be thrown away.



2. Why instead of joining the yellow and red servers, do not unite the 3 servers (Red, Blue and Yellow) at once? It would be just a server and with many players.



I support server union provided that no player is harmed, because it is not fair for a player to lose what he has struggled to conquer.


The Yellow Server is really dying, but deleting the things won by server players will only result in players loss (yellow server players who worked hard to have what they conquered within the game).


Thank You!

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I think this topic is very controversial and the people responsible for these servers should be very careful.


1st - because I predict many accounts will have some stuff taken from them with a possible error that is by all means possible in this type of situations of transfers.


2nd - there will be some good things to take from this union, but there will also be a lot of bad things such as server traffic, fps drops (lag increase), chat flooding with not only people from red server but the 1k or 2k people from yellow trying to get into the "light".

(yellow server players who worked hard to have what they conquered within the game).



i dont understand that , i thought red players would use this argument since its easier to get rare stuff on yellow ( see staff shinys bought for 1/4 of red prices )

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