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Re: ✰ [Ongoing Auction EPIC Marill | Bulbasaur | added new poke !] VNS2 HUNTER shop © ✰


<r><COLOR color="#800000"><s></s><B><s></s><SIZE size="120"><s></s>Bulbasaur sold 300k+1ms to</SIZE></B></COLOR> <QUOTE author="leolawliet"><s>

</s><COLOR color="#800000"><B><SIZE size="120">/friend rong2123 to take it</SIZE></B></COLOR><e>
</e></QUOTE><COLOR color="#800000"><B><SIZE size="120"> <E>:thanks:</E> <br/>

(until 9:30PM 1/20/2016 GMT+7)<br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/u4BBExW.png"><s></e></IMG> <br/>


Marill 3 sold 230k to</SIZE></B></COLOR> <QUOTE author="boss0945533145"><s>

</s><COLOR color="#800000"><B><SIZE size="120">/friend rong2123 to take it</SIZE></B></COLOR><e>
</e></QUOTE><COLOR color="#800000"><B><SIZE size="120"> <E>:thanks:</E> <br/>

(until 9:30PM 1/20/2016 GMT+7)<br/>

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/NiZPGo6.jpg"><s></e></IMG></SIZE><e></e></B><i></i><e></e></COLOR></r>

Visit our shop : VNS2 HUNTER ©

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Guest boss0945533145

Re: ✰ [Ongoing Auction EPIC Marill | Bulbasaur | added new poke !] VNS2 HUNTER shop © ✰


<t>im playing game you will come??</t>

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Re: ✰ [Ongoing Auction EPIC Marill | Bulbasaur | added new poke !] VNS2 HUNTER shop © ✰


<r><QUOTE author="leekhoasoooo"><s>

</s><POST content="89550"><s></s>89550<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Omnisayko"><s>
</s><POST content="89422"><s></s>89422<e></e></POST> 160k for GodfirehtJolly Weavile<e>

start with 200k sir ^^<e>



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Re: ✰ [Ongoing Auction EPIC Marill | Bulbasaur | added new poke !] VNS2 HUNTER shop © ✰


<r><QUOTE author="Redflame2001"><s>

</s><POST content="90207"><s></s>90207<e></e></POST> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/99OdiZo.jpg"><s></e></IMG> 80k<e>

okay sir, bo now <E>:Heart-eyes:</E> <QUOTE author="TerrorGr"><s>

</s><POST content="90491"><s></s>90491<e></e></POST> 1 week after still no buneary delivery :/<e>

u have offered me for my tyrtan sir??<br/>

I will pm u when im online <E>:Heart-eyes:</E><br/>

and about the buny, i will contract with my shop member,s orry for this slow shipping :(((</r>

Visit our shop : VNS2 HUNTER !!!!

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