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Exterzy [fade]day care [/fade][fade]service[/fade].

[fade]Ex- Mayelesa Day Carer[/fade]


☆I'm mostly free everytime to day care depending on orders but always here to take orders and recruit.

★You can contact me on discord or ign <

You pay for the daycare service after the training is done.

★Notice that when your Pokemon finished training we will contact you and you will have maximum 2 weeks to pay the service or We will have the right to keep it.

★If you busy or having any problems please contact us through pm or discord.

☆I accept Kanto, Johto (for the time being)//

★[fade][glow=red]Rush order [/glow][/fade]mean you have to pay extra 15k for our service. And we will put your order as our top priority order( not priority of time).

☆ Make sure that your order has correct details, we don't have any responsibility for any mistakes you made.

Atk-Attack Def-Defense Spe-Speed Spd-Special Defense Spa-Special Attack Hp-Health

☆If you aren't sure about the pokemon Base EXP check this webite: https://pokemondb.net/

[fade][glow=red]Don't Plagiarize my works![/glow][/fade]

☆If you have any question feel free to ask~


Price List

shaymin.gifEV Trainingshaymin.gif

[Atk =25k Spe=25k Spa=25k]

[Hp= 35k SPD=35k]


☆//Extra 35k Cost if the pokemon has no damage move or low-level poke (Level lower than 40 will count as low level[doesn't include 40])--

This extra charge will cost if you only choose EV Train Service

IV Reset will cost 3k per 10 IV Reset.

rotom-mow.gifLevelling uprotom-mow.gif

Will charge 1k per level depending on the generation, level of the poke. 1 - 90 is 1k per level, after that it will be a charge of 2k - 2.5k pm for more details


Note: - Additional charges if Pokémon is bellow level 40 // - 35 - 40k depending


For Panda members there will be a 10% discounts for Full service only


gallade.gifApply here level up service:gallade.gif

Current Level:

Final Level:

Evolve at level:

Move keep:

Rush order: [ Yes or No ]

pansage.gifEv Training apply here:pansage.gif


EV train: --- 252|--- 252|--- 6

Move keep:

Rush order: [ Yes or No ]





Fast reliable couldn't ask for a better day care service.


I rate service ★★★★★


good day carer, fast service 10/10



squirtle.gif[shadow=white]My Day Care Service[/shadow]squirtle.gif

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