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Hi There!


In my honest opinion you can do it whenever you feel like it, reason being there is no change in the moves Onix/Steelix learn both of them learn exactly the same moves at the sames level.



1 Bind NORMAL Physical 15 85

1 Fire Fang FIRE Physical 65 95

1 Ice Fang ICE Physical 65 95

1 Mud Sport GROUND Status - -

1 Tackle NORMAL Physical 50 100

1 Thunder Fang ELECTRIC Physical 65 95

1 Harden NORMAL Status - -

4 Curse GHOST Status - -

7 Rock Throw ROCK Physical 50 90

10 Rock Tomb ROCK Physical 60 95

13 Rage NORMAL Physical 20 100

16 Stealth Rock ROCK Status - -

19 Autotomize STEEL Status - -

20 Gyro Ball STEEL Physical - 100

22 Smack Down ROCK Physical 50 100

25 Dragon Breath DRAGON Special 60 100

28 Slam NORMAL Physical 80 75

31 Screech NORMAL Status - 85

34 Rock Slide ROCK Physical 75 90

37 Crunch DARK Physical 80 100

40 Iron Tail STEEL Physical 100 75

43 Dig GROUND Physical 80 100

46 Stone Edge ROCK Physical 100 80

49 Double-Edge NORMAL Physical 120 100

52 Sandstorm ROCK Status - -


But once again only my opinion, someone might know something i dont lol.


There might be one/two additional moves steelix learns but thats the only difference - 37 Crunch, 19 Autotomize


Have fun




"I see now that the Circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who You are." - Mewtwo

62831 ok thank you






"I see now that the Circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who You are." - Mewtwo

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