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Random teleport bug


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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, seems like that just happens to me, because I got teleported again. This time I landed outside of the burned tower, maybe something happened, but I was under the shower this time so dont know.

EDIT:// Okay, this time it wasn't a teleport. Seems like my friend moved me while I was under the shower


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I got random teleported on Route 21 while searching lapras. I know that description isn't that detailed, but there isn't more to say.



Was your character stationary when you got teleported? Did you teleport on an otherwise inaccessible part of the map? Did that teleport get you stuck?

If none of the above, it most likely happened due to a lag spike; you were moving but due to lag it didn't show you actually going from tile to tile and it looked like you were teleporting.

If you were "teleported" backwards then lag spikes are also to blame: the server probably didn't receive your command to move your character.

In order to prevent this, please make sure to:

- Check if your internet connection is stable when playing

- There is a possibility that your Antivirus or Firewall are messing with your PRO client, make sure to add it to your exceptions


As for your friend moving your character while you are away, nothing i can do about it :Grin:


Please let me know if you still have problems with it or if the problem disappeared and if possible describe your situation in more detail; until then,


Have a nice day :Angel:

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