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As quoted from what Calahan posted here, you should just be patient. Staffs can and will be able to retrieve it for you. Just wait for a while. You don't have to spam it multiple times.

Hey there!

I've merged your previous topic about this with the Restore Pokemon Megathread, here


You will have to wait for an admin to be available to restore it in your box; please be patient as they are busy people :Angel:

I cannot give you an ETA of when they will be able to retrieve it for you;


I will lock this as there is no use to keep this topic opened since it's in the appropriate thread already.



I wish you a good day :Grin:


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Hey there again!

You'll notice that I've deleted a few posts of yours, and merged a few others; please refrain from posting multiple posts and/or topics about the same issue.

You can edit your posts as you seem to know, since you did it here





Also, please try to use a self-explanatory title in the future, "help" isn't :D:

As stated in the Rules:

8. Members should use an appropriate, descriptive subject when posting a new topic or trying to get a help with something. Examples of bad subjects and posts include; "Help me!", "I'm stuck!", "I've got an error!", etc. Proper subject or post should be more detailed in order to assist you better on the problem.


I've also edited your name out of your file path in the main post of this topic, for privacy reasons;



With this being said, I will lock this topic as well, and ask you once again to please remain patient until an Admin is available to retrieve your pokemon :Sing:

Thank you once again [mention]Olafkun[/mention] for your answers :Shy:



Have a good day, and happy holidays,


- [glow=lightgreen]Locked as answered[/glow] -

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