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I play on blue server and the economy there is really broke. The prices are really low and it isnt profitable anymore to buy coins via paypal or at least use some pvp coins at all cause all pvp items are available without pvp coins.

So I have a few tipps and tricks to increase the economy and make the game more attractive.

Add more pvp legendary mounts

- Terrakion

- cobalion

- virizion

Make pvp land mounts faster than normal mounts and shiny mounts faster then normal mounts.

Yeah I know this idea is a bid hard to realize but it would help to resell some mounts and more people would buy coins :)

- to get some pvp items without pvp coins isnt as easy as now.

Sorry for my rip english but imo the pvp coins are worthless atm and to make pvp more attractive they should remove pvp items from normal game and they should only available in pvp items

Shop or from bosses.

Maybe u can realize a few things and I wish u a merry christmas

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