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Im running into Zubats during the day in frozen cave when im not suppose to be is this a glitch or not?

[spoil]Zubats at day.png[/spoil]


Hello there, and thank you for your report!

The spawn is intended, though the pokedex display isn't, but nothing really can be done about that: they can only have one line per map, so cannot display the spawn differences between land and water :D:

So, in Frozen Cave B2F, you can encounter Pokémonicon_041.png Zubat :


[pre]- on Land at Morning Night[/pre]<i></i>[pre]- on Water at Morning - Day - Night[/pre]<i></i>

But it will appear like this in the Pokédex: LebORlh.png


I'm sorry for the inconvenience; though as nothing can be done about the display, and that the spawn is intended, I will now lock this topic;

I wish you a good day, and happy hunting! :Shy:



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