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Hi! Jam here :3, I just started playing PRO last November 4, I had no time to properly introduce myself in the game so I guess I'll do it here, anyways I'm 17 years old, I'm a college student so you might notice that I'm offline sometimes, though I always aim to find time to play PRO to free stress from real life, the start of my adventure was really great I easily found good friends to keep, the game doesn't need any tutorial anymore because the community was really helpful especially pengwing, skullbash and other helpful people of "Help Chat", I easily understood the mechanics and basics of the game and finished the whole kanto/johto storyline under a week with the help of this awesome people "ElijahLee, Ordoph and Dewph".


Since the day i started playing pokemon I've always been an avid fan of water type pokes, so my end goal in the game is to make a beast shiny water type team / rain team, and to catch all pokes available in the game, I'm certain that It's possible to achieve that goal of mine and I do hope that you could help me with that :D.


If I'm online you could always find me at DD or in Johto safari(WetZone) and in Help/Trade Chat, If you need any help and having trouble in the game just PM me (If I'm online) and I'll be glad to help you, unless it's financial, math or a love problem that I won't be able to help you with xD, to end this I wish to meet the person reading this right now in the game to have fun together and share stories or whatever. k bye~




I believe we traded not to long ago!


Welcome all the best and carry on doing what you doing






"I see now that the Circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who You are." - Mewtwo

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