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Route 127 Underwater dive black screen


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hi when i dive under water in route 127 my screen gets black, i can still chat and see my pokemon.

when i go back up the screen gets normal again.


Hello, hope you had a good day!

So your screen goes black whilst diving?

As stated here by Brannon.

Please make sure that your device meets the minimum requirements listed here.

- Can you see your inventory? Try using escape rope if you have any and come back to see if it will happen again.

- If your screen is completely black and you can't see your team or your inventory, please try exiting the client and see if it happens again.

- If anything above doesn't work, try deleting all of your PRO files including temporary files and everything from the Recycle Bin, redownload and reinstall the client. You can also try extracting your PRO client by using some other extraction software instead of Winrar.

- It is possible that some of the files are corrupted, try repairing the .zip file before extracting

- Make sure you download the appropriate client version for your device!

Let me know if these worked for you or not.

Enjoy the rest of your night!

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