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Hello there, and foremost, sorry for your inconvenience;

As mentioned by [mention]PurpleMauth[/mention] ‒and thank you for your fast answer‒, the bag glitch is a well known issue for which no definite fix has been found yet.

[margin=6]However, on your end, and as mentioned in the Issue Guide, you can open your bag in battle every now and then (about 5-10min) to keep updating it, thus avoiding a freeze long enough to kick you from the server due to inactivity (time-lapse of 8min)


- [glow=white]Quote for visibility[/glow] -

Bag glitch and crash

This glitch is caused when there was a change in your bag items from the last time to the first time you open that during a battle. When you click the bag during the battle the client will have a small crash (most of the times gets solved just by waiting a few moments) as it is updating the bag information.

The longer the time between each opening of the bag the longer the crash will be, players usually experience it when running from a lot of common battles whilst hunting for a rare pokemon.

To prevent this issue open the bag every 5-10 minutes in battle, as it will maintain your bag updated.

Furthermore, do not spam click on your game client when it freezes: it will not help, and actually will either result in your OS force closing it even if it could have responded again before the afk kick, or use an item you didn't intend to use in the battle.

Moreover, and also mentioned above, we cannot refund anything lost due to a disconnection ‒may it be caused by a server crash or a net drop‒, including the progress or items, as stated here:

Lost by crash issues

Including disconnections and rollbacks

Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsbility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback?. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.


Locking as nothing can be done,

I wish you a great day! :Angel:




- [glow=lightgreen]Locked as answered[/glow] -

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