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Hi Thalapathy,


Guilds are syndicated fellowships of players that are created and managed by players. They can also be considered clans. When you join or create a Guild, you'll have your own Guild chat in-game. While there is minimal gameplay features to being in a Guild, it's great for creating a community of friends and players alike. You can run the guild as social or as competitive as you like; the most important thing is to just have fun!


To recruit members into your guild, you should advertise your guild in the Guilds Subforum. I would suggest introducing your guild, the server that your guild resides on, and the aim that your guild strives for (to be a PvP guild, or to create a family-like community, etc). If you wish to manage your guild a bit more professionally, you can add a Rules section that your guild members must abide by, any requirements or restrictions that the potential members must meet, and possibly an application form. You can look around how other Guilds manage their posts and see what would suit your guild best.


Depending on your guild rank and the amount of members in it, you're also subject to experience-gain bonuses. If you don't have one yet, you can create your guild logo in the Saffron City's guild house. The logo is drawn on a 16x16 frame. Keep in mind that only guild masters can create the logo.


The hierarchy for a guild compromises of four ranks currently: a Guild Master, which is the founder or leader of the guild. They can invite new guild recruits, expel all guild members, and promote any guild member up to the Officer rank. Under that, there is Officers. They can invite new members and they can expel and demote all guild members outside of the Guild Master/Officer rank. Then under that are Members. This is the rank of all full-fledged guild members. They have no administrative powers as they are simply the standard rank after one has passed through their initiation. Finally, we have Initiates. This is typically a probationary period for the potential member. Typically, guilds will want to see that the potential member will fit in with the guild culture before making them a full-fledged member.


If you're interested in the exact experience-gain bonuses, there is a 2.5% experience increased for every 25 player milestone, as shown below:

2.5% bonus for 25-plus members.

5% bonus for 50-plus members.

7.5% bonus for 75 members.

25% bonus if the guild is ranked in the uppermost Guild Ladder (Top 10)


If you have the ability to manage the guild, here are some useful commands that will help:

Managerial Commands

[glow=white]/gcreate <guild name>[/glow]

Creates a guild under the designated name. Do note that the requirements must be satisfied before a guild is creatable. (You'll need $400,000, 100 hours of playtime, all eight Kanto Badges, and the guild name must be between 4 - 15 characters long and cannot contain any numerical or special characters).


[glow=white]/gpromote <username>[/glow]

Using the command will promote or demote them from one tier in relation to their current rank; for example, if a Guild Master or Officer were to use the /gpromote command on a Member, it would automatically promote them to an Officer; contrariwise, /gdemote would downgrade them to an Initiate. It is only operable by Guild Masters and Officers.


[glow=white]/ginvite <invitee's name>[/glow]

Invites the designated player to the guild. They must be online in order to be receptible of it and accept it.



It disbands the guild, deregistering all its associated data from the database.

Bear in mind that it has no confirmatory prompt; it will delete the guild thereupon sending the command, and the guild will be irrecoverable even if done mistakenly.


[glow=white]/gkick <username>[/glow]

It expels the individual from the guild.



It modifies the guild's MOTD (message of the day), which is the guild-globalized message that's printed on the guild-menu tab.

And here are commands for Members of the guild:
Member Commands


This is the invitation-acceptant command that's sent by the invitee in order to join the guild when there is an active invitation.



This is used to leave the guild.

I hope the information provided proves satisfactory to you. As there is nothing more to elaborate on, I'll now lock this topic. Have a great day!

- Locked -


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