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Feel free to post any other bugs and glitches with moves and pokemon here.



-to the Pokemon Revolution Online team

I understand that you are busy, but I figured I should post this as an fyi.


•Enemy trainer had infinite PP

While facing a trainer with a kakuna ( can't remember which) I had let it run down it's 30 uses of harden since it was the only move it had, to make sure PP was working in pve. 60 hardens later I was out of pp and had to spam struggle to it. I'm going to hope that's not intentional, as it would destroy some use for the PRESSURE ability.


•Nature's Power bug

I had been leveling a Seedot in hopes of getting a Shiftry. When I had finally gotten an attacking move so that I no longer had to swap train, you can imagine my dissappointment when Nature's Power did absolutely nothing. It says it uses it, does no damage, and goes to the enemy turn.


•Bide bug

While training that same Seedot I came across another bug. Bide doesn't do at all what it's supposed to do. It attacks immediately and does about 1 damage then lets you attack next turn. Not sure if similar moves like Counter or Mirror coat are affected as well.


The only other minor bug that I can think of is when Seedot evolves he is apparently supposed to learn razor leaf... he doesn't. Although I understand you are still working on that.


Good Luck on your game


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