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I want to buy Epic Lopunny and Feebas. The beter your poke is, the higher price I offer. The requirements as following:


NAME: Lopunny (Female is better)

NATURE: Jolly or adamant

Ability: Limber or Run Away

ATK: 25+

DEF: 20+

SPD: 25+

SPATK: dont care

SPDEF: 20+

HP: 20+


NAME: Hippopotas

NATURE: Implish or Careful

Ability: Sand Stream

ATK: 20+

DEF: 25+

SPD: 10+

SPATK: dont care

SPDEF: 25+

HP: 25+


NANE: Feebas (Female is better)

NATURE: Bold or Calm

Ability: Swift Swim

ATK: dont care

DEF: 20+

SPD: 20+

SPATK: 20+


HP: 20+


Please leave your information or contact me in game. I will reply u as soon as possible.

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