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Pro Crashed


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Hey JacenRalvarn,


My apologies for this inconvenience; did you manage to save your crash report? If so, could you possibly respond with it?


I would suggest uploading it to a 3rd party host like Pastebin and then linking it to me, or directly pasting it between spoiler tags.


Most likely, you encountered the Bag Glitch, as stated in the Issue Guide:

This glitch is caused when there was a change in your bag items from the last time to the first time you open that during a battle. When you click the bag during the battle the client will have a small crash (most of the times gets solved just by waiting a few moments) as it is updating the bag information.

The longer the time between each opening of the bag the longer the crash will be, players usually experience it when running from a lot of common battles whilst hunting for a rare pokemon.

To prevent this issue open the bag every 5-10 minutes in battle, as it will maintain your bag updated.

<i></i>As said, to prevent this issue, just click your bag every five or so minutes, and this shouldn't occur anymore.


If you manage to have saved the error report, I will be able to confirm this; otherwise, I can only speculate on what happened.


Kind Regards, Astraea.


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Hi JacenRalvarn,


I have looked over your crash report and it indeed was the Bag Glitch. This happens when the game eats too much memory and the system functions end up crashing as a result. As stated in my previous post, you shouldn't have this issue occur again when you refresh your bag every five to ten minutes.


Apologies for the inconvenience; regardless, have a great rest of your week!


Kind Regards, Astraea.



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