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Are these bots? or is this some sort of bug or what? I see it multiple times during the day. Can someone confirm what this is? They seem to just casually break walls and walk through trees and on water and through house walls.

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Hello there, and thank you for your report;

Though, as RenaRedgrave said:

[margin=6][...] I also thought it could be the servers completely misreporting the location of other players on my side of things.

It's merely a visual bug on your end that can happen when you just finished loading a map and another user was here and is loading the next: no one can walk through walls, rest assured :Shy:



There is nothing that can be done, as far as I know, to avoid seeing this every now and then; fortunately, it's not really troublesome.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this regardless, and with this being said, I wish you both a good day :Sing:



P.S.: Those appearing to walk on water can also just be people who logged out while surfing, then back in; they are mountless, so "walking", but can't actually move until using their surfing mount again.




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