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A while ago, a guy from the red server sent me 5 c.c by mistake to this ID: Chaosknight


When my ID in the game was: Chaosknigth

I would like to know if there is any solution to this problem, I have checked the Chaosknight info, and do not have a minute on the yellow server, I do not know if you could help the boy who sent me the cc, he tried to buy them, but he got confused and I send them to another ID, please, I hope you solve this problem.


Your ID is: Moon4502


Thank you Staff.[/glow]

Yeah sir , I was in yellow server to pay chaosknigth paying him his 5 c.c. on yellow but I got confused by name and I sended in chaosknight.... I feel sorry for the trouble if any staff can help us I would appreciate it ... I bought 5 c.c with a lot of hard work if I would lose it .. I would feel much bad ... I would thank if a staff can help me.

Thank you..

Hello Chaosknigth and MOON4502,


I've checked your accounts and it appears you did mail the five Coin Capsules to "Chaosknight" instead of "Chaosknigth" on accident.


Given that "Chaosknight" has never played on Yellow, we've decided to refund your five Coin Capsules. Moon4502, please check your mailbox; the items should now be in your possession. Have a great rest of your week!






[fade][glow=#fd9696]- Locked as Solved -[/glow][/fade]


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